Digest Submission
Share your research and discoveries!
Oct. 31
Nov. 30, 2023 Last Chance
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and submitted to the IEEE Xplore on-line digital library and El Compendex.
Steps for Digest Submission

Download the digest template and prepare Digest file.

Click the [GO TO SUBMIT] button.
A. Click the [Make Submission] to get Sunmission ID.
1.Fill out author info section.
2.Select conference topic.
3.Fill out digest info section.
4.Click [Make Submission ] and you will receive the Submission ID.

Click the [GO TO SUBMIT] button.
B. Click the [Upload File] to submit Digest.
1.Enter the Submission ID and password.
2.Select your Digest file.
3.Click [Upload file] to complete the Digest submission.

Waiting for the Digest review, you can modify the Digest File by clicking [Upload file] before Oct. 31 and view the review status on the submission webpage: https://www.openconf.org/IPEMC2024/openconf.php.
Digest Submission Guideline
1. A digest (PDF only, no longer than four pages) should be submitted online through the IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia website by Oct. 31, Nov. 30, 2023.
2. Digest Template is provided for the preparation of your digest.
3. Digest must not have been published or submitted for presentation to any national and/or international meeting before IPEMC 2024-ECCE Asia.
4. The Technical Program Committee will decide whether the submitted digests should be given orally or as posters. Authors will be informed of this decision via acceptance notification.
5. Acknowledgment of your submission will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the main author. Please make sure that you receive an e-mail confirmation after making your submission.
6. Digest acceptance will be informed by Jan. 19, 2024.
NOTE: Last but not least, the Title and Author information (such as First Name (名), Last Name (姓) organization, Email) in the paper must be consistent with the content filled in the paper submission system. If there are any adjustments in the paper, please click on the Edit Submission in the submission system( https://www.openconf.org/ipemc2024/openconf.php ) to make modifications.
Notification of Acceptance
All submitted digests will be reviewed by the Program Committee according to reviewing procedures.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding, presenting and digest submitting authors by Jan. 19, 2024. If you have not received the notification, please send the email to the secretariat (ipemc@vip.163.com) with your digest information.
If you need a formal Certificate of Acceptance document, please send an email to the conference email (ipemc@vip.163.com), providing the Submission ID, Paper Title, Names of all Paper Authors (in order) , and attaching Payment provement. Contact: Huan Wang 18732627031.
Withdrawal of a Digest
If the presenting author of an accepted digest does not register by Mar. 31, 2024 the digest will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
If you must withdraw a digest, please notify the secretariat (ipemc@vip.163.com) in writing as soon as possible.